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Last Update: 10/22/01

Site Updates

October 22, 2001

In the last two months there has been a bit of cosmetic work on the site, and some more articles were released. We have just completed a major overhaul of the sites code. We are about 90 percent of the way to moving the code over to XHTML 1.0, the next version of HTML. For users that use a recently released browser the site will look the same, individuals still using Netscape 4 will have extra spacing but the content will render correctly. The code has been shrunk down, which will provide for shorter page loads. Newer articles now have larger and higher resolution images. We added support for the Site Navigation Bar that was added to Mozilla beginning with version 0.9.5, this feature allows users quick access to all parts of the site and allows for navigating the site without having to understand the intricacies of the site.

Hardware | Sitemap

August 13, 2001

Nearing the first anniversary we are releasing the second version of the site. The code has been cleaned up, there is a new header, borders were placed around the pages, and the articles have been reorganized. Look for a lot of new articles coming in the near future. Taking a feature seen on Ars Technica and other sites, we are adding PDF versions of some of the articles to the site. Right now there basically the web versions of the articles converted to PDF using Mac OS X's built-in PDF creation feature. Currently you can find them in the software and hardware sections. We would love to get some feedback from people on what they think of the PDF's and what we can do to improve them. Email Us

Software | Hardware

July 22, 2001

The site's sidebar tab, for Netscape 6 and and Mozilla users, has been recoded and redesigned. Content has been reorganized to make finding the right info faster. You can search the site from the search engine. It now should load at least twice as fast. Look for more content to be added to the tab in the next couple weeks.

July 13, 2001

The first steps of the new increased info for Mac users have been implemented. The site has been test extensively on all major browsers under Mac OS 9.1 and Mac OS X. An updated software product links in the software section includes Apple versions of software. The site has been further optimized and cleaned up for the new look. Finally, the new link color system has been finish with all the email links colored red.

Software | Tutorials

June 26, 2001

The site has been completely overhauled, with a brand new look. The disjointed look of the many sections has now been replaced with a constant design scheme. Links are now broken up into three colors, dark blue represents links to other pages on the site, green represents links to pages outside the site, and orange represents links to various image, sounds, movie, and software files. While knowing this is not necessary to navigate the site, it gives regular visitors a heads up. Also added was a new search feature, using the search of menu bar allows quick access to specific information. Finally, the news section will back up by the end of this week.

June 6, 2001

I just new hosting for the site which allow vast improvements to the site. The most important thing is that the site should load faster for most users. Look for a lot of new additions in the coming weeks. The news section may not be updated for a while, due to a improved system being implemented.

May 28, 2001

The whole site has been updated with updated code. This should improve the usefulness of the site for the blind and when pages are saved. All of the news archives have been updated to make them easier to read. More information has been added to a number of the hardware reviews.

News | Hardware

April 9, 2001

The whole site has been stream lined and a better color scheme has been implemented. Most of the links on the site have been updated. The Tutorials section has been redone, and a large set of articles will be put up very soon. The Hardware section will have a number of feature articles added very soon, and the deals section has been clean up quite a bit.

Tutorials | Hardware

April 2, 2001

The archived news pages of the News section have just been redone to match the new look of the main News Section page. A large number of new items have been added to the hardware page, with deals now listed for monitors, printers, scanners, and speakers.

News | Hardware

March 26, 2001

The News section of the site has just been updated with a new easier design. The design allows for easier movement from different sections and improves the look of the page. The Hardware section of the site has gotten a number of new deals, with even more to be added this week.

News | Hardware

March 1, 2001

The Software section of the site has been updated with an updated list of software titles and better organization.


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